What is RouteCloud?
No other route optimization engine today compares to the power, speed, and accuracy of RouteCloud - that's why we use it in so many of our products to determine the most efficient routes between one job or delivery and the next. With the RouteCloud API, you too can leverage the power of RouteCloud every day. Tap into the massive cloud-computing power and advanced logic of RouteCloud and increase the resource availability and cost-effectiveness of your fleet.
What Can RouteCloud Do?
RouteCloud can do the following, and much more:
- Resequence 50 stops in 1 second.
- Build 1,000 stops in 2 minutes.
- Build 20,000 stops with 200 vehicles in a single request.
How Does RouteCloud Work?
Most route optimization algorithms are based on search - they evaluate millions of combinations and take the best one. Millions of combinations might sound like a lot, but it really isn't. Imagine a deck of 52 playing cards. That deck, when shuffled, will produce a single combination of cards from a massive 52 factorial sequences - that means 10^67 possible combinations. To put that number into perspective, if everyone on Earth spent the next million years doing nothing but shuffling cards day and night, the chances of the same sequence of cards appearing twice would be, effectively, zero. To make matters worse, most real-world routing problems have significantly more than 52 stops, which is why even the millions of combinations available to choose from is so inadequate to find the "best" solution.
RouteCloud takes a different approach. Instead of evaluation, RouteCloud works by elimination. What this means is that RouteCloud approximates the entire space of possible combinations as a cloud of partial solutions, all connected by specific mathematical relationships. This approach allows RouteCloud to quickly eliminate those parts of solutions that aren't suitable, without actually having to try every individual combination that those parts might have appeared in. By avoiding individual combinations, RouteCloud can sidestep the explosion of combinations that limits other algorithms, resulting in faster and better routes.